Hello! Happy Monday. Hope you had a great weekend!
I completed the GraphQL series of articles:
1. Introduction to GraphQL
This article explains what GraphQL is, when you might want to use it, and includes a comparison of traditional REST API standards and GraphQL.
2. How to Set Up a GraphQL API Server in Node.js
This article is a walkthrough tutorial from zero to having a complete GraphQL API server in Node.js, without using Apollo or any other third party service to get it up and running.
3. Understanding the GraphQL Type System
This article explains how to create a GraphQL schema and introduces all the types - Scalar, Enum, Non-Null, List, Object, Interface, and Union.
Using these three articles, you should have an understanding of how and when to use GraphQL.
This completes my DigitalOcean series of articles!
I hope to write posts that are less dry going forward.
Have a great rest of the week!