Podcast Interview on You are TechY
Plus using Git submodules for private content and an article on template strings
Hey there! Happy Wednesday. Hope your day is going well. Today I have a podcast for you, and two articles. (I promise to double check the URLs this time.)
Interview with Ellen Twomey on the You are TechY podcast
I had a fun conversation with Ellen about clean code, working with teams, interviewing, teaching, and more. Hope you take a listen. I’m kind of enjoying this whole podcast thing and was thinking of starting my own podcast with some friends, touching on development related topics - think you’d be interested at all? I’m open to ideas.
Using Git Submodules for Private Content
I updated my blog to move all the content (images, posts) over to a private submodule. I like having everything open source and I liked having people be able to edit, but a lot of people would just fork the site, change the name, and keep all the content, which was leading to a lot of duplicated content all over the web, so I figured I’d make it private so it wasn’t quite so simple to do that. I had a few people ask me how to set up and use submodules, so here it is.
Understanding Template Literals in JavaScript
Another standard fundamentals article for DigitalOcean, this time on ES6 template strings. There’s a neat aspect to them that most people don’t consider or use, which is tagged templates, used by graphQL, styled components, i18n, and other popular libraries.
That’s it for now. I also wrote a wilderness backpacking gear list and changed up my website layout yet again. The next things I’d like to write about is planning sorting/pagination/filters on API endpoints, and Webpack.
Have a great day! As always, feel free to reply to this email to contact me.