Building a Continuous Integration & Deployment Pipeline Using Docker
Learn about Docker and CI/CD for a Node project
Hey there, it’s Tania. Happy Friday! I have a new article for you today.
Building a Continuous Integration & Deployment Pipeline Using Docker
If you’ve heard of Docker but don’t know really know what it does, or how to use it, or found their getting started page way too confusing, this article is definitely for you
In a professional setting, you will usually be able to automatically deploy a website to production. You shouldn’t have to manually upload files anywhere.
For a personal project, I wanted the same convenience - the ability to be able to merge code into master, have it run tests, and have it deploy to a production server.
I documented the process of getting this set up for my Node.js application, using Docker and Travis CI. Hope this article helps you as much as it has helped me!
Have a great weekend. I have articles on Map/Set and Generators written and ready to publish, and I’m also writing about React + Redux and Webpack right now, so I’ll be writing again soon.